During bed time there are two things Jay and I simply can't sleep without. No make that three. Sad to say, the most important one is something we still need to be doing more consistently. Before we sleep, we try our best to always pray. We take turns every night, but it's more like "it's-your-turn-no-it's-your-turn-i-prayed-last-night" kind of thing. Then before we get to our sleeping positions we give each other three goodnight kisses. It really has to be three. Then when sleep kicks in, I would begin to hear it.
It starts off quietly. Just a low humming sound. Then it progresses to the sound of an oncoming freight train. But that's when I fall asleep. As weird as it may seem, the sound of my husband snoring is like music to my ears. I know that snoring is a health concern, that my mother-in-law even advised me to wake Jay up whenever he snores too loud. (If I do that all the time, he won't be sleeping at all!) I sometimes do that when I have to stay up late because of school or work. But there are moments when I just stare and watch him sleep, and my heart goes… "awwww". There's something about that picture of him sleeping that I find really cute and adorable. Yes, snoring and twitching included.
Trying to kiss away the husband's "pissed off" mood. |
I read this article online by Marla Taviano about the first year of marriage. It's actually an excerpt from her book "From Blushing Bride, to Wedded Wife". The author asked some married women what something someone did warn them about but they didn't believe until they got married. Someone answered, "That the cute habits would become annoying habits".
Uh-oh! I don't know how many months or years will it take for those cute habits (like snoring) to become annoying. I have to admit, Jay and I annoy each other on a daily basis. One time I even blurted out, "I think you married me just to annoy me!"
The thing is, I'm relatively new at this marriage thing. But I'd like to think that the day when cuteness turns into annoyance would never come. I know that's impossible because people change. Add to that the ever changing hormones I have that turns a sweet wife to a drama queen. What I'm trying to say is, I want that picture or moment to stay in my mind so that when I'm seeing my husband differently from the man I once dreamed about marrying one day, I would be reminded of those little things that made my heart melt.
You see, it's not just the dates, gifts and grand gestures that we should hold on and look back to when we're going through a rough patch. It's also those little things we discovered about each other that the outside world would find weird, but we find cute and endearing nonetheless (so long as it's not criminal. hehe). It reminds us of the kind of love we have for our husbands that only us can give. It's like an inside joke that only the two of you can understand and laugh about. It's what sets your love apart.
So enjoy those moments. Laugh about each other's sillyness. Join in the out-of-tune song number. Be his dance partner when he lets out those chicken dance moves. Just love him for his idiosyncracies, because admit it.... you annoy the daylights out of him too. :)
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